Monday, April 4, 2011

It s my day...

Assalamualaikum semua..........(gaya cikgu bg salam dlm kelas)

Oke, utk post yg ni saya nak bercerita agak panjang ala2 rambut Rapunzel tntang hari yg saya sgt suka dan paling berdebar2 setiap tahun. Hari apa?...Kuat lagi....Hari apa??..Ya, Hari Jadi saya....Setiap tahun besenya aku akn smbot besday ni cume dgn cara yg berbeza n dgn insan yg berbeza. Cuma tahun ni aku dpt smbut disamping famili terchenta wapolon tnpa kwn2 tersayang. Apa yg aku try buat tahun ni utk jadikan besday aku ag special is aku driving pi anywhere yg aku rase aku nak pegi n buat since this year is my FIRST year dpt license~ (spirit fingers)

Early in the morning, sampai je kat ofis teros dapat call from HR. Kalu dpt call dr HR mksodnya nk dpt paycheck for monthly allowance la tu n on my birthday???...superb, nice job HR..Tnpa berlengah even seminit trus terjun bangunan Tingkat 3 ofis aku ke bangunan sebelah (ok, yg ni tipu) dgn semangat berkobar tok amek check yang amat2 dinantikan kerana bershopping di hari jadi sgtla heaven oke..Sumpah tak tipu.

xx btw, ni adalah paycheck di mana saya harus tggu 3 hari T__T xx

Then, after working hours (annoying kan when you have to work on your special day), ak straight penuh istiqamah pegi GM kat Bukit Tinggi Klang since aku dengar a lotsss of good stuffs sold at a very low price as it is a market for pemborong n I consider myself also as pemborong either. On my way , suddenly vrooooommmm yg aku sgt kenal lalu sebelah kete n tros benti betol2 depan kete. Guess what, omjayyyyy....Kawasaki okeh!!!...Remember bout my post when I started to fall in love with big bikers? [here]. Then, tros snatch an irresistible pic which I felt a very2 deep love for them...sigh~

xx can u see what I see? xx

Then, sesampainya kat GM, aku pon buat la friendly tour kat each of da stores which aku rasa ade menatang yg aku cari2 selama ini. Survey2 harga mmg kepakaran aku, tp, kalu bargain...............(garu kpala). Then after few HOURS of touring, trying, fitting n perasaning, I decided to grab these thingssss....

xx atas L: a dozen of cute hair ribbons, R: my fav one xx
xx bawah L: my best catch of da day, R: a total of 6 shawls xx

Then, elok je kuar dr GM n konon2 nak balik rumah, my sis call n ajak aku p celebrate kt Alamanda. Mmg tahap nk lompat di khalayak org ramai la kan bila denga cmtu, trase mcm kera diberi strawberi. Tros telefon mak n here is the dialogue...

Me: Mak, nak g Alamanda buleh?. Kak Mie ajak pi sana
Mak: Nak g nek ape?
Me: Akak drive la gi sana, straight teros pegi dr sini (Klang)
Mak: Akak tau ke jalan g sana?. Ni first time akak nk drive p sana
Me: (Dgn sgt yakin xkn tersesat) Akak tau la sbb hari tu mse melwat mak, xsesat pon
Mak: Oklah, hati2 tau
Me: Mekaseh mak!!!..(melompat dlm kete smbil bce doa nek kenderaan)

So, ape ag, berdezup la kreta pi Alamanda n that moment when I drove to Alamanda was superb because that was my first time driving heading the other way round, I mean, a new 'jalan' for me to discover on my own becuz selama ni mak or adik yg tlg drivekan esp kalu balik UPM. And that also means that mak dh start percaya dgn skill memandu aku nk pegi memane pon. Omaigod!!!!.....

Sampai je Alamanda, I met with my so-called another family which I adore like my own flesh n blood. They actually on their shopping spree, so, they asked me to accompany n gave some opinions on their style of the month. I am not that fashionista, but still, I have a good taste in matching the clothes. Then, after teman2 n grabbed few pieces of clothes, suddenly my big sis, asked me whether I want anything from the store and I said 'NO' until I found this little heaven made back sling dresses which makes my decision straight to 'YES' n my sis did gave that lil piece of heaven made dress for my birthday gift and also a sweater which makes me goes "haaaaahhhhhhhh, thank you" (melompat okeh n tutop mulot ala2 artis mcm xpercaya la konon).

Then, we had our evening meal at Kenny Roger's Roaster on my another big sis treats, thanks Kak Nono. After a while I can't stop myself from smiling for da gift and also meeting wonderful people on my birthday. Here, some picca for your eyes....

xx Kak Amie n Kak Nono xx

xx Arip sengal n adik xx

xx Thank you sis xx

Last but not least, 
xx from my step-dad xx

p/s: Btw, my mom n sis did gave me presents but I think I want to make it in another special entry. Happy reading peeps, lotsa lovey dovey~

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