Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Satu keluhan yg sgt2 super-duper heavy dilontarkan. Sebab ape?. Sebab right now at da moment, I really can't get rid myself even an inch away from a SUPERLICIOUS food called......


Owh man, just give me A reason why I should stop this amazing addiction. A reason is enough guys!!.

Btw, I'm on my strict diet regime, so diz so-called scrumpylicious things really made it happened accordingly. Owh, I just so in love with this thing. Can I marry u off???...Please say YES....pLease adorable kimchi..Please...Ok, STOP!! (dat thing can only marry part of your body a.k.a BELLY). Thank you Miss Belly for accepting my "HUBBY"..

I even turn this food into.............

                                                          xx THIS: JIGAE a.k.a STEW xx

Let me story a lil' bit history of my craziness for this food.

                                                   the only muslimah story-teller pics I get.........

Credit should goes to my god-sister Amie (heart u trillions..). Ok2, same goes to Nono, Ika and sume lah.

                                                           .....3 of them in da middle.....

They are just sooooo00oo BIG fans of korean stars meanwhile me, da slamb'est' person psal all this korean things. They are my so-called cliques wherever I go. So, there were one day when they felt like going to eat something korean.

                                                 my first korean food's stall in PAVILION.....

Whenever I overheard FOOD, I just cannot resist myself jumping off da car and said, "Buleh2, belle xkesah" (muka sgt berharap hokeh supaya mknn korea sume portion besa2). But it turns out dat da portion is so SMALL until I talked to myself, 'Ok, pasni aku masak kt umah jugak..'. Kimchi is like a must have side dishes in korean food, mcm ala2 sambal belacan ngn ulam2 tuh la..sdap kan??. Ha, cmtula juga ngn kimchi ni. First time mkn, hbes sume org punye kimchi aku bantai. There were 7 of us at dat moment n I ate EVERYONE'S kimchi *gelak bangga*. They were like, 'Durgh!!!!, gila ke hape minah ni. Org suh mkn rice cake ni, dy g bantai kimchi yang FREE'.....Then, da addiction for this kimchi grown so well in me and I started to buy this kimchi from stores which cost me about RM 15 for a sekali makan. Gila kau!!. Terpaksa cut-off sume bajet beli kasot, dress, baju (T___T).

Da size was like this as per serving (RM15) :

                                                              tak menanges plak kan byk nie je???

So, I did some research on making my own homemade kimchi instead of purchasing from stores (yeay
me!!!..I can buy some new shoes again!!). And it works!!. Good for me kan?. Now, whenever I felt like eating kimchi, I just opened my fridge and there were boxes of them inside. You all know how dat feels rite?. It is when u hit da JACKPOT. Later, I'll upload piccas of my homemade kimchi. Oke guys?. Follow me. Lotsa luvvy dovey XOXO...


  1. babe!! i saw my pic there!!
    heart u trillions too darl!!
    camne nih?
    u make me wanna go to da on!
    jom! jom!

  2. hehhehehe....
    yippie2 hey2...hahahahah~...me either tau!!..pnat dh mkn homemade punye, nk plak kua..ag2 Da-On, mmg lompat tinggi2 r...I'll fix some time for ya k sis????....

  3. make it after my pay day la tau. next week. kekeke! can't wait to see u!! sis nak ajak buat cupcakes!!

  4. cuppacakes???...red velvet is a must oke???..oke???

  5. will do baby! red velvet it is!
    slice of haven cupcakes is haven!
    have u try one?
    its so awesome!!

  6. bel.bile nk bg ak rse kimchi ko neyh :P

  7. sis: not yet since i am soo not into cakes actually..but diz velvet thing really tickle my throat...

    qeh: baru je buat semalam....dpt la 3 bekas..hahahaha~..nk rse bebile pon bleh...hm...actually aku nk plan something laaa....
